Tag Archives: dancers

The final five…

I shot with 5 models in three days.  With pool season coming to an abrupt end, I scrambled to get as many models as possible scheduled for the 3 days of 85+ degree days.  Everyday the weather forecasts change as the wind blows so knowing in advance if there will be a shift is hard to predict.  The weather gods were with me…

One of my models, Vettriano, contacted some of her performing arts friends.  Aaron and Vettriano (Stacey) studied acting together in NYC. I set up Sunday, Monday and Tuesday shoots.  The sun was shining, the water temp was in the high 70’s and the air close to 90 degrees.  PERFECTO!

Sunday, Vettriano, Natali, and Aaron were scheduled.  This was my fifth shoot underwater with Vettriano.  It was the first underwater shoot for Natali (a Model Mayhem connection, who was not a swimmer) but she tried her best and I almost always get a handful of good images.  Aaron’s dance background was what I was hoping to capture, it was also his first underwater shoot.

The coral ribbon and iridescent green gowns were both designed by NY designer, Janel Carlton.  I love working with designers and already discussed an emerald green creation for next season

Natali (in Janel’s coral flowing creation) and Aaron

Stacey and Aaron

Black lace top from Luxxel purchased at Steps New York
White skirt from Sequin Hearts purchased at TJ Maxx

white ruffle gown Romeo and Juliet Couture


(in Janel’s iridescent green gown  flowing creation)

Monday, Celine, another friend of Stacey’s (Vettriano) gave it her all.  Her sinewy graceful lines was a plus.IMG_0823 copy copy

(in Janel’s iridescent green gown  flowing creation)

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(in Janel’s iridescent green gown  flowing creation)

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(in Janel’s coral  flowing creation)

(in Janel’s coral ribbon creation)

Celine’s grace makes it look easy. She now has a deeper understanding of the challenges that Stacey told her about.


Tuesday, I shot another of Stacey’s performing artist friends Katie who studied dance for years.  After a few feeble attempts, Katie nailed it.


I adore working with these very talented models.  Thank you all for spending a hot summer day hard at work in a tranquil cool pool.  And thanks Arlene for another summer of letting me take over your home.

Until next season, I will be selecting top images for an art book.

Mary Durante Youtt



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Filed under Life under water, fashion, photography, underwater photography

A must see exhibit at MoMa thru Monday 1/21

Yesterday Jene & I spent nearly an hour watching the slow, dramatic movements of Eiko and Koma’s Caravan Project at MoMa.   The strength and endurance of these performers are amazing.  The performance runs all day (see museum hours) in the Agnes Gund Garden Lobby, first floor.

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Eiko and Koma have been performing together since 1972 and Jene happened upon them a number of years ago I think at City Center.  So when he spotted the advertisement in the NY Times for MoMa, we jumped at the chance.  Their choreography is similar to Japanese butoh and Kazuo Ohno was where they drew some of their inspiration from.

My first impression was that of an aging decaying process which then lead me to feel it was also about birth.  Like any art form, each viewer draws something different from the experience.

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Filed under art, dance performances

NYC – Fall for Dance

Last week was fashion week and art gallery openings throughout the city and Brooklyn had many openings. Now comes NY City Center’s Fall for Dance

Last year Jene and I stood on line to get tickets. And it was well worth the wait. We haven’t done so yet but we are kicking off the season of dance a performance Moving Beauty.Picture 8

The performer is an amazing dancer, Juan Michael Porter, who we met a couple of years ago when Jene Youtt rented a studio to photograph dancers. Emma Stein was a dancer he worked with before and she brought along a fellow dancer. Jene I believe found Mana and Michael either on Craig’s List or from flyers he tacked up at various dance studios.



Jene has more images in his dance portfolio on his website

I hope you get a chance to see this wonderful performance.

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Filed under art, dance performances, Fashion Night Out, Jene Youtt, Juan Michael Porter, Mary Durante Wehrhahn, NY City Center's Fall for Dance, photography